OJHAS: Vol. 3, Issue
4: (2004 Oct-Dec) |
Multidrug Resistance of Salmonella typhi and some Enteric Bacteria in and around
Kolkata, India: A Preliminary Study |
Shyamapada Mandal,
Research Fellow,
Manisha Deb Mandal, Research Fellow,
Nishith Kumar Pal, Professor and Head,
Department of Bacteriology and Serology, Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine,
C. R. Avenue, Kolkata-700 073, India.
Address For Correspondence |
Nishith Kumar Pal,
Professor and Head,
Department of Bacteriology and Serology,
Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine,
C. R. Avenue, Kolkata-700 073, India.
E-mail: samtropmed@rediffmail.com
Mandal S, Mandal MD, Pal NK.
Plasmid-Encoded Multidrug Resistance of Salmonella typhi and some Enteric Bacteria
in and around Kolkata, India: A Preliminary Study.
Online J Health Allied Scs.2004;4:2 |
Submitted: Sep 29,
2004; Revised: Jan 22, 2005; Accepted: Jan 29, 2005; Published:
Feb 17, 2005 |
Abstract: |
The present study investigates the occurrence of R-plasmid in Salmonella
typhi isolates from enteric fever cases in and around Kolkata (1991-2001), India
following in vitro conjugation experiments, isolation of plasmid DNAs and agarose gel
electrophoretic analysis. The multidrug resistant (MDR) S. typhi strains contained
a transferable plasmid conferring resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, cotrimoxazole
and tetracycline. The plasmid encoding ACCoT-resistance of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
pneumoniae and Proteus vulgaris were conjugative and co-migrated with the
plasmid of MDR S. typhi isolates. The antibiotic sensitive S. typhi isolates
did not contain any plasmid. Thus the findings of the present study confirmed the
instability of the R-plasmid in S. typhi, and that the antibiotic sensitive S.
typhi strains acquired the R-plasmid from other enteric bacteria such as E. coli,
K. pneumoniae and P.vulgaris to undergo a suitable adaptation for survival in
the changing antibiotic environment.
Key Words:
Salmonella typhi,
multidrug resistance, conjugative R-plasmid
Salmonella typhi is
noteworthy in the etiology of outbreaks and sporadic cases of typhoid fever, which remains
as an important public health problem, causing 16 million cases of the disease and about
600,000 deaths, annually, all over the world.(1) There has been increasing concern about
the prevalence of multidrug resistant (MDR) S. typhi strains in developing
countries. Several reports indicated MDR S. typhi with plasmid-mediated resistance
to conventional antityphoid antibiotics: chloramphenicol (C), ampicillin (A) and
cotrimoxazole (Co) thriving in different parts of the world including India.(2-11) In the
present study, in order to search the probable host bacteria of a plasmid conferring
resistance to A, C, Co and tetracycline (T) among outbreak causing as well as sporadic
isolates of S. typhi in and around Kolkata, India, we investigated the occurrence
of R-plasmids among MDR isolates of Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, and Klebsiella
pneumoniae from different clinical cases.
Bacterial Strains
Outbreak causing as well as the sporadic
MDR blood culture isolates of S. typhi (resistance pattern ACCoT) obtained
in between 1991-2001, and the other enteric bacteria (E. coli, K. pneumoniae and
P. vulgaris from urinary tract infection cases) that had the common resistance pattern
ACCoT during 1995-2001 were used to study the transferability of their multidrug
resistance. The MDR S. typhi isolates showed either sensitivity or resistance to
nalidixic acid (Nx). The antibiotic sensitive S. typhi and the E. coli C600
(FNxR) strains were also included in the study, as the
recipient strains. The S. typhi recipient strain was obtained by culturing blood
from enteric fever patient attending the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine for
treatment. E. coli V517 strain was used as the molecular marker for plasmid.
In Vitro Transferability of
Antibiotic Resistance
Transfer of antibiotic resistance
of the MDR bacterial strains (having the common resistance pattern ACCoT): S. typhi (n=70),
E. coli (n=42), K. pneumoniae (n=13) and P. vulgaris (n=6) was
carried out by conjugation experiments following the standard protocols (12,13), with
slight modification described elsewhere.(14) The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs)
for antibiotics against which resistance was transferred from donors to the recipients
were checked by agar dilution method.(15)
Isolation of Plasmid DNA and
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
The MDR isolates of S. typhi
(n=70), E. coli (n=42), K. pneumoniae (n=13) and P. vulgaris (n=6)
having the common resistance pattern ACCoT, the corresponding transconjugant strains
acquiring ACCoT-resistance, and the antibiotic sensitive S. typhi isolates (n=20)
were subjected for plasmid DNA isolation following the protocol of Birnboim and Doly (16),
and Kado and Liu (17), with some modifications. According to the protocol of Birnboim and
Doly, from 10 ml of bacterial culture (in nutrient broth, Hi-Media, India) plasmid DNAs
were isolated using 0.48 ml, 1 ml and 0.8 ml of solution I, II and III, respectively.
After the addition of solution III, the lysate was kept in ice for 30 minutes and
centrifuged for 15 minutes. Phenol-chloroform (1:1) treatment was followed with the clear
supernatant, plasmid DNA was precipitated with equal volume of chilled isopropyl alcohol,
and DNA pellet was dissolved in 100 µl of TE buffer. In case of Kado and Liu method, we
used chilled isopropyl alcohol to precipitate the plasmid DNA instead of diethyl ether.
Agarose gel electrophoresis of the
isolated plasmid DNAs was carried out in tris-borate buffer system (18), using 0.8%
agarose, for 4 h at 50v. The gel was stained with ethidium bromide and results were
documented in gel-doc system. Electrophoretic separation of plasmid by molecular weight
and subsequent size estimations were accomplished using reference strain of E. coli V517.
Transfer of resistance from
S. typhi to E. coli C600
The MDR S. typhi strains
showing the resistance pattern ACCoT or ACCoTNx transferred ACCoT-resistance to E. coli
C600 recipient strain, and thus the recipient strains acquired the resistance traits
for A, C, Co and T. The transfer frequencies among the epidemic causing S. typhi strains,
namely BS13, AS12, M54 obtained respectively from Bagnan, Asansol and Khardah in the year
1991, were 0.83 x 10-5, 0.73 x 10-5, 0.78 x 10-5,
respectively (Table 1). MDR S. typhi strains, viz. B2/92, isolated in the year
1992, also transferred ACCoT-resistance with a frequency of 0.89 x 10-5. In the
secondary transfer studies, the E. coli C600 transconjugants obtained from the
primary conjugation experiments were used as the donors, and the antibiotic sensitive S.
typhi was the recipient strain. Here also, the transfer of ACCoT-resistance was
noticed (Table 1).
Table 1: Results of transfer
experiments and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of antibiotics for donors and
Set No. |
Donor strain
(Resistance Pattern) |
Recipient strain
Pattern) |
(Resistance Pattern) |
Conjugation frequency |
MICs (m g/ml) of Donor and Transconjugant |
I |
S. typhi BS13 (ACCoT) |
E. coli C600 (Nx) |
E. coli C600 [pBS13] (ACCoTNx) |
0.83 × 10-5 |
C (5000)
Co (1200)
T (500) |
E. coli C600 [pBS13]
(ACCoTNx) |
S. typhi B72
(Sensitive) |
S. typhi B72 [pBS13]
(ACCoT) |
0.68 × 10-7
A (5000)
C (5000)
Co (1200)
T (500) |
II |
S. typhi AS12
(ACCoT) |
E. coli C600
(Nx) |
E. coli C600 [pAS12]
(ACCoTNx) |
0.73 × 10-5 |
A (5000)
C (5000)
Co (1200)
T (500) |
E. coli C600 [pAS12]
(ACCoTNx) |
S. typhi B72
(Sensitive) |
S. typhi B72 [pAS12]
(ACCoT) |
0.12 × 10-6 |
C (5000)
Co (1200)
T (500) |
S. typhi M54
(ACCoT) |
E. coli C600
(Nx) |
E. coli C600 [pM54]
(ACCoTNx) |
0.78 × 10-5 |
A (2000)
C (5000)
Co (1200)
T (800) |
E. coli C600 [pM54]
(ACCoTNx) |
S. typhi B72
(Sensitive) |
S. typhi B72 [pM54]
(ACCoT) |
0.38 × 10-7 |
C (5000)
Co (1200)
T (800) |
IV |
S. typhi B2/92
(ACCoT) |
E. coli C600
(Nx) |
E. coli C600 [pB2/92]
(ACCoTNx) |
0.89 × 10-5 |
C (2500)
Co (500)
T (450) |
E. coli C600 [pB2/92]
(ACCoTNx) |
S. typhi B72
(Sensitive) |
S. typhi B72 [pB2/92]
(ACCoT) |
0.62 × 10-7 |
C (2500)
Co (500)
T (450) |
V |
S. typhi D1/01
(ACCoTNx) |
E. coli C600
(Nx) |
E. coli C600 [pD1/01]
(ACCoTNx) |
0.39 × 10-5 |
C (1500)
Co (250)
T (250) |
E. coli C600 [pD1/01]
(ACCoTNx) |
S. typhi B72
(Sensitive) |
S. typhi B72 [pD1/01]
(ACCoT) |
0.48 × 10-7 |
C (1500)
Co (250)
T (250) |
C=chloramphenicol, Co=cotrimoxazole, T=tetracycline, Nx=nalidixic acid, p=plasmid |
In another experiment, the S. typhi strain
D1/01, having the resistance pattern of ACCoTNx, transferred the ACCoT-resistance to the
antibiotic sensitive S. typhi strain through E. coli C600, indicating the
non-transferability of Nx-resistance from D1/01 strain (Table 1).
Transfer of resistance from E.
coli, K. pneumoniae and P. vulgaris to S. typhi
In this study, the MDR E. coli,
K. pneumoniae and P. vulgaris strains transferred ACCoT-resistance to the
recipient strains (Table 2).
Table 2: Transfer of antibiotic
resistance from donor to recipient strains and transfer frequencies
Set No. |
Donor strain
(Resistance Pattern) |
Recipient strain
(Resistance Pattern) |
(Resistance Pattern) |
Conjugation frequency |
I |
E. coliEC3 (ACCoTNxCp) |
S. typhi B72 (Sensitive) |
S. typhi B72 [pEC3] (ACCoT) |
0.39 × 10-7 |
S. typhi B72 [pEC3] (ACCoT) |
E. coli C600 (Nx) |
E. coli C600 [pEC3] (ACCoT Nx) |
0.98 × 10-5 |
II |
K. pneumoniae K1 (ACCoT) |
S. typhi B72 (Sensitive) |
S. typhi B72 [pK1] (ACCoT) |
0.25 × 10-7 |
S. typhi B72 [pK1] (ACCoT) |
E. coli C600 (Nx) |
E. coli C600 [pK1] (ACCoT Nx) |
0.92 × 10-6 |
P. vulgaris Prv2 (ACCoT) |
E. coli C600 (Nx) |
E. coli C600 [pPrv2] (ACCoT Nx) |
0.98 × 10-6 |
E. coli C600 [pPrv2] (ACCoT Nx) |
S. typhi B72 (Sensitive) |
S. typhi B72 [pPrv2] (ACCoT) |
0.12 × 10-7 |
A=ampicillin, C=chloramphenicol, Co=cotrimoxazole,
T=tetracycline, Nx=nalidixic acid, Cp=ciprofloxacin |
The MDR E. coli showing resistance
to A, C, Co, T, Nx, and ciprofloxacin (Cp) and K. pneumoniae (resistant to ACCoT)
transferred ACCoT-resistance to the antibiotic sensitive S. typhi; NxCp-resistance
was not transferred, and the transfer frequencies were 0.39 × 10-7 and 0.25 ×
10-7, respectively. In the secondary transfer studies, all types of
transconjugants obtained from the primary conjugation studies were used as the donors that
transferred ACCoT-resistance to E. coli C600 with transfer frequencies 0.98 × 10-5
and 0.92 × 10-6, respectively. The donor P. vulgaris strain Prv2
transferred the complete resistance pattern of ACCoT to the antibiotic sensitive S.
typhi strain through the primary recipient E. coli C600 with transfer
frequencies 0.98 × 10-6 and 0.12 × 10-7, respectively.
Plasmid profile
The MDR S. typhi isolates
(resistance pattern ACCoT) obtained during 1991 enteric fever outbreak in several parts of
West Bengal were screened for the presence of plasmid. The all S. typhi strains
from the three different epidemic zones of West Bengal contained plasmids, which
co-migrated with each other. Fig. 1 shows the plasmids of three different S. typhi strains
BS13, AS12, and M54 collected from Bagnan, Asansol and Khardah, respectively.
Figure 1: Agarose gel electrophoresis of plasmid DNAs from sporadic
isolates and outbreak causing isolates of Salmonella typhi |
Lane 1: S. typhi strain
AS12 (ACCoT) of 1991; Lane 2: S. typhi strain BS13 (ACCoT) of 1991;
Lane 3: S. typhi strain M54 (ACCoT) of 1991; Lane 4: S. typhi strain
B2/92 (ACCoT) of 1992; Lane 5: E. coli C600 transconjugant (pB2/92); Lane 6:
S. typhi strain D1/01 (NxACCoT) of the year 2000. CH, chromosome. |
Recurrence of same
resistance pattern (ACCoT) was noticed in S. typhi strains during 1992 and 2000
too. These strains contained plasmids, which co-migrated with plasmid DNA obtained from S.
typhi isolates of 1991.
2: Agarose gel electrophoresis of the plasmid DNAs isolated from Salmonella
typhi and the transconjugants |
Lane 1: S. typhi (ACCoT) of
1991(BS13); Lane 2: E. coli C600 primary transconjugant (pSTBS13); Lane 3: S.
typhi B72 secondary transconjugant (pSTBS13); Lane 4: S. typhi B72 (sensitive
to antibiotics), Lane 5: S. typhi (NxACCoT) of 2000 (BS225); Lane 6: E. coli
C600 primary transconjugant (pSTBS225); Lane 7: S. typhi B72 secondary
transconjugant (pSTBS225); Lane 8: plasmid size marker of 53.7 kb from E. coli V517. |
Fig. 2 illustrates that
the Plasmid DNAs isolated from the primary and secondary transconjugants co-migrated with
the plasmid isolated from their corresponding donor strains, and are about 55 kb. The
antibiotic sensitive strains of S. typhi did not show any plasmid band in the gel.
In search of the plasmid conferring multi
drug resistance to A, C, Co, and T among MDR S. typhi isolates, we isolated plasmid
DNA from MDR E. coli, K. pneumoniae and P. vulgaris, which showed
ACCoT resistance pattern. The strains, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and P.
vulgaris as well as their transconjugants showed plasmid band co-migrated with the
plasmid of approximately 55 kb isolated from MDR S. typhi having ACCoT-resistance
(Fig. 3).
3: Agarose gel electrophoresis of plasmid DNAs |
Lane 1: S. typhi strain BS13 (ACCoT)
of 1991; Lane 2: E. coli strain EC3 (NxCpACCoT); Lane 3: S. typhi B72
transconjugant (pEC3); Lane 4: K. pneumoniae strain K1 (ACCoT), Lane 5: S.
typhi B72 transconjugant (pK1); Lane 6: P. vulgaris Prv2 (ACCoT)); Lane 7:
S. typhi B72 transconjugant (pPrv2); Lane 8: plasmid size marker of 53.7 kb from E.
coli V517. |
S. typhi is noteworthy in
the etiology of outbreaks and sporadic cases of typhoid fever, an endemic disease in
India. Presently, enteric fever caused by MDR S typhi continues to be a problem
across the country. Such multidrug resistance in S typhi has been reported to be
plasmid mediated.(2-10) The plasmid mediated en bloc transfer of ACCoT-resistance
of S. typhi isolates has been reported earlier from different parts of India.(19,
20) Karmakar et al. (11) reported 120 kb plasmid encoding resistance to A, C, T, and
streptomycin (S) in S. typhi isolates from Kolkata during 1989-1990 enteric fever
epidemic. Haldar et al. (21) reported a transferable plasmid carrying resistance genes for
A, C, T and S in S. typhi isolates from Kolkata in the year 1995. Many other
authors (5,9,10) from different parts of the world reported the plasmid-mediated
resistance of A, C, Co and T in S. typhi isolates and that these plasmids are large
(approximately 180 kb) and conjugative, and originated from Southeast Asia.
In the present study, results of the
primary and secondary conjugation experiments revealed that resistance to A, C, Co and T
of S. typhi isolates associated with enteric fever outbreaks in three different
regions of West Bengal in 1991 was transferable. When S. typhi isolates, obtained
in the years 1992 and 2000, having the common resistance pattern (ACCoT) were
investigated, these also showed transferability of ACCoT-resistance. The transconjugants
were selected using C, but on antibiotic susceptibility testing we found the
transconjugants exhibiting resistance to A, Co, T, in addition to C, with MICs similar to
that of their corresponding donor strains (Table 1). This finding prompted us for an
investigation of R-plasmid contained in them. Agarose gel electrophoretic analysis
revealed the presence of a single plasmid of approximately 55 kb among the isolates
associated with the 1991 enteric fever outbreak. The corresponding transconjugants also
contained the similar plasmid. The same plasmid patterns of MDR isolates from three
outbreak regions suggest the wide spread occurrence of plasmid mediating ACCoT-resistance
of outbreak causing S. typhi in different parts of the state West Bengal in 1991.
MDR S. typhi with similar antibiogram, which had been isolated in different years
(1992 and 2000) of the present study, contained the same plasmid. This phenomenon
indicated the existence of a plasmid carrying ACCoT-resistance in the bacterial population
in this region.
In our studies, there was co-existence of
antibiotic-sensitive and MDR strains of S. typhi (22), but unlike MDR
strains the sensitive strains did not contain any plasmid. The presence of conjugative
R-plasmid in MDR S. typhi and absence of any plasmid in the sensitive strain has
been reported earlier by researchers from Kolkata, India.(11) R-factors originally found
in community isolated E. coli strains, in Mexico, transferred by in vitro
conjugation experiments to S. typhi, in which the R-factor found unstable after 100
generations in liquid culture.(23) Thus, in S. typhi the R-plasmid is an unstable
plasmid that may appear or disappear at any time resulting in the emergence of drug
resistant or drug sensitive isolates. The selection exerted by antibiotic treatment of
enteric fever may be the cause of acquisition of R-plasmid.(24) Through the acquisition of
a plasmid conferring multidrug resistance, the strain undergoes the necessary
and appropriate adaptation for survival in the changing antibiotic environment.
Thus, it appears that the already existing sensitive strain, by the acquisition of a
R-plasmid, has emerged as a resistant strain within the S. typhi bacterial
population in and around Kolkata, and has been able to adapt the challenge of antibiotics
as they are introduced into clinical medicine. But what might be the reservoir host of the
R-plasmid from which the sensitive S. typhi strain could acquire it (R-plasmid)
during adverse situation?
The prevalence of S. typhi harbouring
the plasmid encoding ACCoT-resistance in Kolkata has not yet been studied. We suspected
that the resistance plasmid might have been transferred from other enteric bacteria in
human, because human carriers or patients are the source of S. typhi infection. We,
therefore, were interested in searching for the probable origin of the R-plasmid
conferring ACCoT-resistance in S. typhi. We explained, performing in vitro
conjugation experiments, the possibility of acquisition of R-factor from various
intestinal flora like E. coli, P. vulgaris, K. pneumoniae isolated from different
clinical cases. In vitro and in vivo acquisitions of R-plasmids from common
bacterial flora of intestine by S. typhi have been reported earlier. The phenomenon
of acquisition of R-plasmid can be explained based on the facts described by Datta et al.
(24), who before antibiotic therapy isolated plasmid-less antibiotic sensitive S. typhi
strain from enteric fever case. The strain, however, acquired, after antibiotic therapy,
the ACCo-resistance in the bowel of a patient from Klebsiella aerogenes, which was
originally resistant to A, C, Co. Both S. typhi and K. aerogenes were found
to contain similar plasmids. Ridley (25) also reported about the acquisition of R-plasmids
by S. typhi, in the bowel of patient with enteric fever. Schwalbe et al (26), by
studying the plasmid profile, demonstrated the transfer of drug resistance from the
intestinal flora, viz, E. coli and K. pneumoniae to S. typhi. In
vitro intergenic conjugation experiments demonstrated transfer of drug resistance
between intestinal MDR E. coli and S. typhi strains.(27) Thus, one or more S.
typhi clones in the patients intestine acquired resistance plasmids by transfer
from the resistant commensal bacteria, and the resistant clone replaced the original
sensitive S. typhi as a result of the antibacterial therapy. Two factors play role
in the fact of acquisition of R-plasmids: the capacity of the antibiotic resistance
transposon to spread between plasmids (28), and the selection exerted antibiotic treatment
of enteric fever.(24, 29)
In this study, it was considered that the
commensal bacteria like E. coli, P. vulgaris, K. pneumoniae might be the
source of dissemination of the plasmid conferring resistance to A, C, Co and T in S.
typhi, based on the fact that most of these isolates (E. coli, P. vulgaris,
K. pneumoniae) in between 1995 and 2001 showed a common resistance pattern (ACCoT),
and that the resistance pattern was transferred to the drug sensitive S. typhi,
obtained in between 1992 and 2001 (22), with the same degree of resistance. In addition,
plasmids contained in the E. coli, P. vulgaris, K. pneumoniae strains as well as in
their corresponding transconjugants comigrated with that contained in S. typhi isolates
having ACCoT-resistance pattern. Thus the present findings suggest that the MDR S.
typhi may arise from sensitive isolates by acquisition of multidrug resistance plasmid
from antibiotic-resistant enteric bacteria. However, additional investigations are needed
to ascertain the role of plasmid in the mediation of multidrug resistance among enteric
Authors are thankful to Dr. P. K.
Saha, Chairman, Department of Botany, Bose Institute, Kolkata for extending help regarding
gel documentation of plasmid DNAs. We also acknowledge the help of Dr. B. L. Sarkar,
Assistant Director, NICED, Kolkata, for providing the E. coli V517 strain.
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