OJHAS Vol. 7, Issue 2: (2008
Apr-Jun) |
A Case of Rhinolithiasis |
Rakesh Kumar Singh, Saurabh Varshney, Sampan Singh Bist, Nitin Gupta, Rajat Bhatia, Department of
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Sanjeev Kishor,
Department of pathology, Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Dehradun |
Address For Correspondence |
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,
Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Jollygrant, Doiwala, Dehradun E-mail:
rksent5@gmail.com |
Singh RK, Varshney S, Bist SS, Gupta N, Bhatia R, Kishor S. A case Of Rhinolithiasis. Online J Health Allied Scs.
2008;7(2):7 |
Submitted: May 6, 2008; Accepted:
June 28, 2008; Published: July 21, 2008 |
Abstract: |
Rhinolith is
an uncommon nasal mass in children and adolescents. We report a 8 years
old boy with a history of long standing foul smelling right sided nasal
discharge, progressive nasal obstruction and recurrent epistaxis, which
was clinically suspected as being due to the presence of a long standing
foreign body. Rhinolith in the right nasal cavity was diagnosed on rigid
endoscopic examination. Rhinolith was removed by using a 00
rigid nasal endoscope.
Key Words:
Endoscopy |
are calcareous concretions around calcinated intranasal foreign bodies
within the nasal cavity.1 They are usually found in the anterior
part of the nasal cavity and are usually diagnosed on history and anterior
rhinoscopy.2 In such a condition, radiological evaluation
is only needed for differential diagnosis and to detect any related
complications. Radiology may be useful in a posteriorly situated mass
which may cause difficulties in diagnosis.3,4 However, endoscopic
examination can be of immense help in such situations.2,5
We present a rare case of posteriorly situated rhinolith in a child
that was diagnosed and treated with the help of a rigid nasal endoscope.
A 8 years old
boy presented with a 3 year history of right sided nasal obstruction,
foul-smelling purulent nasal discharge, intermittent nasal bleeding
and posterior nasal drip. The patient did not give any history of putting
a foreign object inside the nose. There was no history of prior nasal
trauma or nasal surgery. Anterior rhinoscopy revealed hyperaemic nasal
mucosa on the right side, purulent nasal discharge and suspicious mass
in the posterior part of the nasal cavity. Probing revealed a hard stony
mass with gritty sensation. Posterior rhinoscopy showed purulent discharge
trickling along the lower part of the eustachian tube opening. The initial
clinical suspicion was that of a long standing foreign body in the right
nasal cavity.
After proper
decongestion with Oxymetazoline and anaesthetising the nasal cavity
with 2% Xylocaine, the nasal cavity was evaluated with a 00
rigid nasal endoscope. Endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity revealed
an irregular hard foreign body extending from the roof to the floor
of the posterior part of the right nasal cavity (Fig. 1).
Fig 1: Endoscopic picture of
rhinolith present in the right nasal cavity |
The object
was situated lateral to the nasal septum and medial to the inferior
and middle turbinates, displacing the middle turbinate laterally. The
object also encircled the free ends of the middle and inferior turbinates.
The surrounding mucosa was hyperaemic and edematous. A plain CT scan
of the nose and paranasal sinuses showed a homogenous well-defined calcified
object with central translucency at the floor of nasal cavity without
any bony erosion (Fig. 2).
Fig 2: Coronal CT scan of nose
and paranasal sinuses showing a rhinolith in right nasal
cavity and collection of fluid in right maxillary antrum. |
Based on above
findings, clinical diagnosis of rhinolith of the right nasal cavity
was made and the patient was taken up for surgery under general anaesthesia.
With the help of a 00 rigid nasal endoscope, the mass was
visualized and a blunt dissector was passed all around the object with
the purpose of freeing it from the surrounding mucosa. It was pushed
into the nasopharynx and was taken out via the oral cavity (Fig 3).
Fig 3: Specimen of rhinolith
after endoscopic assistated removal. |
Uncinectomy, middle meatal antrostomy and anterior ethmoidectomy was
done to clear the maxillary sinus. The specimen was sent for histopathological
examination. The histopathological report revealed calcium crystals
over degenerated materials suggestive of rhinolith (Fig: 4).
Fig 4: Microscopic picture
of the rhinolith showing calcium crystals and degenerated material (H
& E, X40) |
Minimum bleeding
was encountered during the procedure which was controlled by anterior
nasal packing with Merocel. Antibiotics, nasal decongestant and anti-inflammatory
drugs were given to the patient for seven days post surgery. The
patient was relieved of the presenting symptoms after surgery and no
complication was noted postoperatively.
are grey to brown coloured, foul-smelling, rough-surfaced, friable structures
often situated in the anterior half of the nasal cavity most commonly
on its floor2. The other locations reported are in the maxillary
and frontal sinuses.1 Bertholin gave the first documented
discription in 1654.2 Rhinoliths usually present in the
third decade of life and rarely occur in children with females more
commonly affected than male.4
The pathogenesis
of rhinolith is not clear. It has been speculated that a foreign body
incites a chronic inflammatory reaction, with the deposition of mineral
salts. The foreign body acts as a nidus that causes obstruction of nasal
secretions, acute and chronic inflammation, deposition of minerals and
enzymatic activities of bacterial pathogens.2,3 Most foreign
bodies are exogenous, such as beads, buttons, pieces of paper, cherry
pits, stones, sand, fruits, peas, parasites, wood or glass and they
usually enter through the anterior nares. Rare endogenous agents causing
true rhinolith include clotted blood, bacteria, leukocytes, bone fragments
and teeth.6
Axmann carried
out the first chemical analysis of rhinolith in 1829.2 Since
then, several techniques have been used for mineralogical analysis such
as Electron-ray microprobe, X-ray differactometry and infrared-spectroscopy.
The predominant material (up to 90%) is inorganic. Calcium phosphate,
calcium carbonate and magnesium phosphate, as well as other rare substances,
have been described. The organic components may derive from nasal secretions
and lacrimal fluid.1,2
The typical
symptoms of rhinolith are unilateral nasal obstruction, foul smelling
purulent nasal discharge and epistaxis. Other symptoms include crusting,
swelling of nose or face, anosmia, epiphora and headache.6
At rhinoscopy, a mass or nodule with well- or ill-defined borders with
a hard gritty sensation on probing is often found.5
In 1900, MacIntype
gave the first radiological description of rhinolith.4 The
typical radiological features are radio-opacity with central translucency.
On CT scan, it appears as a homogenous, high-density lesion with smooth
mineralization. The central portion of the lesion, which may contain
organic material, may be of a somewhat lower density, or a foreign-body nidus may be seen. CT cannot differentiate a rhinolith from any other
calcified mass, but can detect the related complications of rhinoliths.3,4
Rigid endoscopy
has a great role in establishing a diagnosis, and in evaluating the
posterior extent of a rhinolith without providing any risk of radiation
exposure. It is a cost-effective diagnostic as well as therapeutic method.
The endoscopic nasal surgery provides an opportunity for manipulation
and removal of the entire mass under direct visual control. At the same
time it is helpful in managing any complications of rhinolith.1,3,5
The most important
differential diagnosis include haemangioma, osteoma, calcified polyps,
enchondroma, dermoid, chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, syphilis and tuberculosis.
The complications reported are sinusitis, septal perforation, palatal
perforation, recurrent otitis media, and recurrent dacryocystitis.1,4,6
Our patient developed ipsilateral maxillary sinusitis that was treated
with uncinectomy, middle meatal antrostomy and anterior ethmoidectomy.
In most cases,
rhinolith of nasal cavity can be removed through the nostrils. Only
in rare cases are extended surgical approaches, for e.g. alar release
or lateral rhinotomy, necessary for complete removal of the stone. A
rhinolith that cannot be removed surgically could be disintegrated using
a lithotripsy.3 The use of the nasal endoscope has begun
a new method in the diagnosis and management of rhinolith. The diagnosis
is straightforward and easy with a rigid endoscope. Endoscopically controlled
surgery can also be immensely helpful in complete and uneventful removal
of the rhinolith and in dealing with complications such as sinusitis.
It is a cost-effective and more accurate method for diagnosis and treatment.2,5
Ours is a typical case with respect to the age and sex of the patient,
the location, diagnostic and therapeutic approach for a rhinolith.
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