Case Report
Sacral Chordoma and Single Stage Combined Anteroposterior High Sacrectomy.
Vasu Reddy Challa, Krishnamurthy S, Basavana Goud YG, Poornima, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bengaluru, India.
Address for Correspondence
Dr. Vasu Reddy Challa, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bengaluru, India.
Challa VR, Krishnamurthy S, Goud BYG, Poornima. Sacral Chordoma and Single Stage Combined Anteroposterior High Sacrectomy. Online J Health Allied Scs.
2013;12(1):14. Available at URL:
Open Access Archives
Submitted: Feb 11,
2012; Accepted: Apr 1, 2013; Published: Apr 15, 2013 |
Chordomas are locally aggressive tumors with less chance of metastatic
potential and high chance of local recurrence. The tumor is restricted to spine and most commonly occurs
in sacrum(50%), followed by base of skull(35%) and other parts of spine(15%).(1) The risk of morbidity
following sacrectomy is high in the form of neurological dysfunction like lower extremity weakness,
sensory abnormalities, bowel and bladder dysfunction and wound complications. The risk of bleeding is
high and various techniques like preoperative embolization, ligation of internal iliac arteries were
described to decrease blood loss. There are only few cases reported in literature to the best of our
knowledge who presented with urinary retention.
Case Report:
A 51 years old male presented with low back ache and tingling sensation radiating to both lower limbs,
presented with urinary retention. On examination there was no swelling felt over the sacral region but
digital rectal examination showed firm to hard bony mass felt over the sacrum with free rectal mucosa,
normal anal tone and no perianal anaesthesia. Radiograph of lumbosacral spine showed loss of lordosis with
osteophytes and osteolytic lesion involving sacrum with specks of calcification. A contrast enhanced
computer tomography showed a 6.5x3.5x3.5 cms lytic lesion with destruction of S2,3,4 and 5 segments with
calcification, displacing rectum anteriorly and with normal sacroiliac joints. An image guided trucut
biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of Chordoma.
Operative Technique:
Initially patient was placed in supine position, lower abdominal midline incision given and abdomen
opened in layers. Rectum mobilised posteriorly after dividing the peritoneal layer till levator ani muscles.
Bilateral internal iliac arteries were isolated and ligated. Anterior osteotomy was performed at the level
of S1 and S2 performed with chisel. Later skin of the abdominal wall was closed directly, dressing done
and patient positioned in Kraske’s position. Midline incision placed over the sacral spine, flaps raised
along with gluteus muscle after dividing its attachments from sacrum. Sacrotuberous ligaments followed by
sacrospinous ligaments and pyriformis muscle were divided. Sacrum is divided below S2 sacral foramen
preserving bilateral S2 nerve (Fig.1). Wound was closed primarily by approximating the gluteus muscle
based flaps. Later patient turned supine a pelvic drain placed and abdomen closed. There was 500ml of
blood loss during the procedure and the operative time was 5 hours. Postoperative course was uneventful,
there was no wound related complications. There was no motor deficit, but he had saddle anaesthesia.
Patient was able to walk within a week and was discharged on 10th postoperative day.
Fig. 1: (a) High sacral excision- Tumor covered by periosteum and presacral fascia (b) Bilateral S2 nerves preserved with Rectum seen covered by endopelvic fascia |
Sacral chordomas rarely present with urinary dysfunction.(2) Sacral tumours are a complex surgery
and significant amount of postoperative complications. Resection of sacral tumors is classified as midline
or lateral depending on the site of lesion (Table 1). Midline resections were further classified based on
the level of nerve roots sacrificed as low, middle, high, total and hemicorpectomy. We preferred dividing
sacrum with chisel as the line of division along sacroiliac joint is curved and it may be difficult to
perform with Gigle saw. Flap closure may be needed in patients with large defects especially when tumor
is placed posteriorly to decrease wound complications but may be associated with prolonged hospital stay.
Table 1: Type of sacrectomy and level of transection |
Type of sacrectomy |
Level of Transection |
Skeletal Reconstruction |
Soft tissue Reconstruction |
Low |
=S-3 |
None |
Not required |
High |
=S-2 or unilateral S1 |
None |
Flap may be required |
Total |
Total sacrectomy |
Required |
Flap may be required |
Hemicorpectomy |
Through lumbar vertebrae |
None |
Flap may be required |
Sacrectomy can be performed as a single stage procedure with satisfactory outcome and bilateral
internal iliac artery ligation prior to resection may decrease perioperative blood loss and operative time.
- Bergh P, Kindblom LG, Gunterberg B, et al: Prognostic factors in chordoma of the sacrum and mobile spine:
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- Pal DK, Chowdhury MK. Sacro-coccygeal chordoma: An unusual cause of retention of urine.
Indian J Urology. 2004;20(2):170-171.
- Fourney DR, Rhines LD, Hentschel SJ, Skibber JM, Wolinsky JP, et al. En bloc resection of
primary sacral tumors: Classification of surgical approaches and outcome. J Neurosurg Spine 2005;3:111–122.