OJHAS Vol. 7, Issue 1: (2008
Jan-Mar) |
A rare nasopharyngeal foreign body |
Rakesh Kumar Singh, Saurabh Varshney, Sampan Singh Bist, Nitin Gupta, Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences. |
Address For Correspondence |
Rakesh Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Himalayan Institute of Health Sciences, Jollygrant, Doiwala, Dehradun
rksent5@gmail.com |
Singh RK, Varshney S, Bist SS, Gupta N. A rare nasopharyngeal foreign body. Online J Health Allied Scs. 2008;7(1):10 |
Submitted Feb 10, 2008; Accepted Mar
21, 2008; Published: Apr 10, 2008 |
Abstract: |
is an exceptionally rare anatomical location for foreign body impaction.
We present a rare case of nasopharyngeal foreign body (NFB) in a 7 years
old child. The diagnosis was confirmed by nasal endoscopy. Immediate
removal of foreign body (FB) in the nasopharynx was performed under
general anesthesia. This rare situation is potentially dangerous, since its dislodgment may cause
fatal airway obstruction. Therefore, in all cases with missing foreign
bodies in the aerodigestive system, nasopharyngeal impaction should
be kept in mind and endoscopic examination of the region should be considered.
Key Words:
Foreign body, Nasopharynx |
Foreign bodies
have been a source of tremendous problem since time immemorial and until
now, it produces great difficulties for both patients and medical practitioner
in general and otorhinolaryngologist in particular.
It may turn
uneventfully or endanger the life of the patient depending upon the
type, size and location of the FB. Whatever the location, the most dreadful
outcome of the event is seen when an external substance is lodged in the air and
food passage. When the victim is a child then most terrifying result is
mandatory, particularly if timely intervention cannot be done.[1,2]
As far as the
age factor is concerned, no age is exempted. Although the literature
regarding FB supports the idea that most of the victims are children
under 10 years of age. In this age group, most of the events are self-inflicted,
especially in those who do it repeatedly and those who are mentally
retarded and they may benefit from psychotherapy.[2] We are presenting
a unusual case of NFB in a 7 years old mentally healthy child with a
rubber bead impaction in nasopharynx. The rubber bead would have been
ingested by the child while he way playing. He has had one episode of
vomiting soon after the initial incidence. The local practitioner could
not succeed to locate the ingested FB as it was stuck in nasopharynx
during emesis. We disclose the FB in nasopharynx by nasal endoscopy
that has to be done in every case of missing aerodigestive FB.
A 7-years old
male child came to the ENT OPD with complains of bilateral nasal obstruction
and purulent nasal discharge since last 12 days. At that time, the boy
did not have any kind of difficulty in breathing or swallowing. However,
he had one episode of vomiting soon after the ingestion of the rubber
bead. He was very ignorant of the ingested foreign body in view of getting
no health problem. From third day of the initial event, he began to
develop bilateral nasal obstruction and purulent nasal discharge. He
consulted a qualified local practitioner who advised for plain X-rays
of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis. Perhaps, the x-rays did not reveal
any foreign body and with the assumption of expulsion of FB in vomitus,
the local practitioner prescribed some antibiotic and nasal decongestant
to the patient. The patient did not get benefit with these medications
and decided to come to us for further consultation.
The patient’s
general and mental health was normal. Examination of ear, oral cavity,
larynx and neck yielded no significant clinical findings. His chest
examination was normal. He was a mouth breather and had no other respiratory
difficulty. The nasal examination revealed bilateral purulent nasal
discharge; hyperemic nasal mucosa and reduced bilateral nasal patency.
The posterior rhinoscopy showed postnasal purulent discharge and obliteration
of postnasal space. The exact cause of the obliteration could not be
identified because of the presence of excess purulent material. Nasal
endoscopy with a 00 rigid endoscope revealed a black rubber
bead embedded in lymphoid follicle(adenoid) in nasopharynx (Fig. 1).
The previous history of foreign body ingestion and the lateral plain
radiograph (Fig. 2) of nasopharynx confirmed the diagnosis of foreign
body in nasopharynx.
Fig 1: Nasopharyngeal view through a rigid
endoscope showing a rubber bead stuck in nasopharynx |
Fig 2: Lateral plain
radiograph of neck showing a foreign body in nasopharynx |
Fig 3:
Photograph showing the rubber bead |
The patient
was taken for the removal of NFB under general anaesthesia with endotracheal
intubation. The rubber bead (Fig 3) was removed through the transoral
route under transnasal endoscopic control. Mild bleeding occurred
during the procedure that was controlled by temporary pressure packing
with ribbon gauze. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the
1st post operative day with relief of all symptoms.
is an exceptional anatomical location for foreign body impaction.[3]
In spite of dealing with nearly 2000 cases of aerodigestive FB, Chevalier
Jackson had only two cases of NFB.[4] This rarity could be because
of comparatively capacious space in the nasopharynx preventing FB lodgment.
The FB may be arrested in the more narrow nasal space before entering
the nasopharynx. The strong nasopharyngeal isthmus could prevent the
upward movement of FB during ingestion. However, forceful emesis or
coughing may eject a pharyngeal or esophageal object into the nasopharynx.
The penetrations of a substance during trauma or iatrogenic impaction
of the FB during its removal is the other rare causes of NFB.[3,4]
The NFB may
remain silent for long or may present the symptoms simulating rhinosinusitis
or adenoid hypertrophy. The usual symptoms are bilateral nasal obstruction,
purulent rhinorhea, epistaxis or halitosis. The further hypertrophy
of the lymphoid follicles due to infection may produce disturbance of
eustachian tube function and present as otological symptoms such as
earache, otorrhoea and hearing impairment.[5,6]
It is not possible
to visualize the NFB through anterior rhinoscopy. However, a posterior
rhinoscopic examination may reveal the presence of foreign body in nasopharynx.
The mainstay in the diagnosis of a NFB is to visualize the FB through
rigid or flexible endoscope. It can provide an opportunity to understand
the pathological changes that occur in response to a foreign substance
in nasopharynx. More importantly, it can provide a roadmap for the removal
of lodge FB under direct vision.[3,5] Lateral radiographs of the neck will be
beneficial in identifying radio-opaque foreign bodies.[6] Computerised
tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imagine (MRI) could be the
better imaging techniques in identifying a suspected NFB in a more
precise manner. However, the cost of the technique, the risk of radiation
exposure during CT scan and selective contraindication of MRI may limit
their role in selective conditions.
A potentially
fatal complication of a foreign body lodged in the nasopharynx is sudden
airway obstruction due to descend of the object into the lower respiratory
tract during its removal, playing or forceful snuffing.[3,5] Safest
and best way to remove the NFB is removal under general anaesthesia
by securing the airway via endotracheal intubation during its removal.[3] Large foreign bodies are more challenging to remove. In rare cases,
it may need lateral rhinotomy, transpalatal, or midfacial degloving approach for
its removal.[6]
Our case was
a 7-year boy who was mentally normal. The foreign body was impacted
in the nasopharynx during the episode of vomiting immediately following
the rubber bead ingestion. The general practitioner did not localize
the foreign body because he did not think about the rare location of
its impaction in nasopharynx and instead tried to search for it in the
lower pharynx, esophagus and lower digestive tract. This case is a revelation
for us to explore the nasopharynx with endoscope in each case of missing
foreign body.
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