OJHAS Vol. 9, Issue 1:
(2010 Jan-Mar) |
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour: A rare tumour of the breast |
Afeyodion Akhator, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Surgery, Faculty of Clinical Medicine,
Delta State University, Abraka,
Oside CP, Dept. of Surgery, Central Hospital, Warri; Assoc. Lecturer, Dept.
of Surgery, Faculty Of Clinical Medicine, Delta State University, Abraka,
Inikori A, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Radiology, Faculty of Clinical Medicine, Delta State University, Abraka,
Nwanchokor FN, Dept. of Pathology, Central Hospital, Warri; Assoc. Lecturer, Dept. of Pathology, Faculty
of Clinical Medicine, Delta State University, Abraka |
Address For Correspondence |
Dr. Afeyodion Akhator, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Surgery,
Faculty of Clinical Medicine,
Delta State University, Abraka.
doc_akhator@yahoo.com |
Akhator A, Oside CP, Inikori A, Nwanchokor FN. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour: A rare tumour of the breast. Online J Health Allied Scs.
2010;9(1):9 |
Submitted: Jan 26, 2010;
Apr 6, 2010; Published: Jul 30, 2010 |
Abstract: |
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour is a rare tumour
of the breast and this report highlights the radiological
and histological features and the difficulties in making a diagnosis.
A high index of suspicion when dealing with a breast lesion that has
both cystic and solid components in a background of von Recklingausen’s neurofibromatosis will make the
Key Words: Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour, von Recklingausen’s neurofibromatosis, breast
Primary carcinomas of the
are predominantly of epithelial origin, and non epithelial tumours
in the breast are very rare.1 Malignant peripheral nerve
sheath tumour (MPNST) accounts for 5-10% of all soft tissue sarcomas
commonly in association with von Recklingausen’s neurofibromatosis
(VRN), 4% incidence compared with 0.001% in the general population.2 MPNST of the breast (with or without VRN) is a rare tumour with only
a few cases reported in the literature.3,4
A 41 years old teacher presented
to our surgical outpatient with a 4 year history of recurrent right
breast mass. She had 2 excisions of the mass done 5years previously,
3 months apart, only to have it recur. It has increased rapidly in size
to now involve the whole right breast. There was no breast pain, nipple
discharge or family history of breast disease.
She had
developed generalized body nodules 10 years previously during her first
pregnancy. She is a Para 4+3, no use of contraceptives; breast fed her children
for more than 1 year. There were no associated hearing or balance problems.
On examination, there were
generalized multiple nodules on her skin, café au lait spots and some
plexiform nodules. The right breast was larger than the left, with an
oblique scar; the breast was completely taken up by a large
mass with hard and cystic components, measuring 15cm x 20cm, no nipple
discharge and no palpable axillary lymphnode (Fig 1).
Fig 1: Café au lait spots, plexiform nodules and the multilobulated
hard mass affecting the right breast |
Assessment of Cystosarcoma
phylloides in a patient with VRN was entertained. Patient was requested
to do mammography, breast USS and FNAC.
Mammography showed
masses of varying soft tissue density and of varying sizes seen in the
entire right breast, the largest measuring 8 x 10cm. Assessment of Giant
fibroadenoma was made.
Breast USS showed multiple,
predorminantly hypoechoic masses with poorly defined margins seen in
the entire right breast, with marked distortion of the parenchyma of
the right breast. Some of these lesions show focal anechoic areas
with necrosis. Other show associated cystic lesions with posterior
enhancement. The echotexture of the underlying pectoralis muscle is also
distorted. Features are highly suggestive of a malignant breast mass.
FNAC – Smears show plump
spindle, oval and round cells with little or no cytoplasm. There are
no mitotic figures and nuclei are hyperchromatic. The cells form compact
isolated sheets. Assessment was of benign spindle cell lesion.
Patient was counseled for
at surgery the findings were multilobulated mass completely taken over
the right breast involving both the pectoralis major and minor muscles.
A modified radical mastectomy with axillary dissection was done.
Histology of the breast show
a malignant mesenchymal tumour composed of compact sheets of
spindle cells with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei are
and with blunt ends. Some of the nuclei are round to oval in some areas.
Some show attempts at rosette formation. They are arranged mainly in
fascicles. Mitotic figures are moderate to frequent in numbers.
areas are seen in some sections with rosette-like patterns. Vague
with cellular and acellular areas are seen in some. There is also
in some areas. Assessment of Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour
(MPNST) in a background of Recklinghaunsens disease was made.
Patient was counseled for
and chemotherapy, but she defaulted and returned 7 months later with
recurrent tumour of the right breast, which was excised and she was
also advised for adjuvant therapy and she has not been able to afford
MPNST is a rare sarcomatous
tumour, previously known as neurofibrosarcoma, neurogenic sarcoma,
neurilemmoma and malignant schwannoma. It is believed to arise from
a nerve or neurofibroma and usually affects patients who are 20 –
50 years old but develops earlier in patients with VRN.5
The clinical diagnosis of MPNST
is difficult because of its rarity. Because of the size and consistency
of the tumour a diagnosis of cystosarcoma phylloides was entertained
initially, but the background setting of VRN should have hinted on the
possibility of MPNST.
The radiological features were
also unhelpful in making this diagnosis with a discordant between the
findings at mammogram and breast ultrasound. Woo et al described the
problems of radiological diagnosis of MPNST6. The accuracy
of cytology in preoperative diagnosis is uncertain and is difficult
to distinguish it from benign or malignant spindle tumours4
as was in our case. Histological examination therefore remains the most
important tool for diagnosis. The presence of spindle shaped cells
in dense cellular areas with rosette-like patterns and pallisading is
suggestive of MPNST. Electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry is
necessary for definite diagnosis of MPNST,5 However, these are not
yet available in our facility.
Radical or modified radical
mastectomy is the treatment for these lesions with post operative
helpful in decreasing the local recurrence rate.6 Our patient
could not afford to go for radiotherapy and had recurrence within 7
- Majmudar B. Neurilemoma
presenting as a lump in the breast. South Med J. 1976;69:463-464
Ramanathan RC, Thomas
JM. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours associated with von
neurofibromatosis. Eur J Surg Oncol 1999;25:190-193
Thanapaisal C, Koonmee
S, Siritunyaporn S. Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor of Breast
in Patient without Von Recklinghausen’s Neurofibromatosis: A case
report. J Med Assoc Thai 2006;89(3):377-379.
Dhingra KK, Mandal
S, Somak R, Khurana N. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of the
breast: case report. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2007;5:142. doi 10.1186/1477-7819-5-142.
Wanebo JE, Malik
JM, VandenBerg SR, Wanebo HJ, Driesen N, Persing JA. Malignant
nerve sheath tumors. A clinicopathologic study of 28 cases. Cancer
Woo OH, Yong HS,
Lee JB, Kim A et al. A giant malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour
of the breast: CT and pathological findings. The British Journal of
Radiology 2007;80:e44-e47. doi 10.1259/bjr/30984808