Volume-14 (2015);
No. 4 (October-December)
Published on Jan 30, 2016

Original Article |
Purohit BC. Efficiency in Healthcare Sector in Assam: A Sub-State Level Analysis. |
Abstract: This paper aims at exploring efficiency in health care sector at sub-state level using district level information for the years 2010-11 and 2011-12. We estimate a potential level of efficiency that could be achieved by a district health system. A panel data set is used comprising of 23 districts of Assam. Utilizing a stochastic frontier model our results indicate that better availability of medical manpower including doctors, nurses and midwives has led to an optimum utilization of existing medical institutions and beds. Thus based on achievement of their existing normative potential, districts like Dhemji, Kamrup and Barpeta are three top ranking districts. The low performing districts based on this criteria, including Darrang, Dhubri and Kokrajhar have been not able to utilize existing medical institutions and beds capacity due to the constraint of inadequate medical manpower, higher population density, higher rural populations, lower literacy levels and lack of comparable roads development relative to efficient districts in the state. Thus the overall efficiency in the district level health system could be improved to bring down infant mortality in lower performing district with more focus of policy on the factors that have been highlighted by our study.
Key words: Healthcare sector, Rural areas, Sub-state level analysis. |
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Original Article |
Omuta GED. Infrastructure and Health Care Services in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: A Case Study of Physical Amenities in the Primary Health Care System in Delta State. |
Abstract: Background: One of the spin-off effects of the urban-based medical services established by the colonial administration was the total neglect of rural communities. Those that existed lacked infrastructure. Even fifty years after independence, this dichotomy has persisted and become more pronounced. The objective of this study is to examine the state of infrastructure in the primary health care centres in Delta State, Nigeria. Methodology: The study was a survey of the infrastructure of all the PHC centres in nine local government areas; three from each of the three senatorial districts. The facilities covered were sources of water supply, sources of electricity, number of functional beds and type of communication facilities. The field date were cleaned up, processed and analysed using SPSS 10.0. Focus group discussions and key informant interviews were also conducted. In order to make the findings policy-relevant, a project steering committee made of researchers and decision makers and a project management committee made of representatives of decision makers, care providers, care seekers and other stakeholders were se up and integrated into the study. Results: There were varying degrees of infrastructural deficiencies. 34.22 per cent of the PHCs had no access to safe water; 51.33 per cent were not connected to the national electricity grid; and 34.22 per cent of the available beds and 40.89 per cent no means of communication whatsoever. Conclusion: Field data and perspectives of stakeholders revealed that the major cause of infrastructural deficiencies was insufficient funding, lopsided allocation of resources and official corruption. Correspondingly, increased and sustained funding; prioritized allocation of resources and targeted upgrading of facilities, were recommended.
Key words: Primary health care, Health infrastructure, Increased and sustained funding, Corruption. |
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Original Article |
Omuta GED. Governance challenges in Primary Health Care Delivery in Delta State, Nigeria: An Assessment of Community Participation. |
Abstract: Background: Until the late 1970s, health care services in Nigeria were mostly curative and delivered through a vertical, hospital-based structure. Because the structure was top-bottom, communities were alienated from its governance and management. This has affected the utilization of facilities. This study seeks to explore the nature of community participation, their effects on utilization and how to improve primary health care delivery in Delta State. Methodology: The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches of investigation. Structured questionnaires as well as focus group discussions and key informant interviews were deployed. It covered nine local government areas, three each from the senatorial districts. The aspects of community participation investigated were: the committees involved; frequency of meetings; factors inhibiting participation in meetings; and perceived solutions to poor community participation. Quantitative data were cleaned up, processed and analysed, using SPSS 10.0. Results: There was varying degree of participation. Community/village health management committees accounted for 54% of the committees involved in governance; 30.33% of the committees did not meet in the year preceding the study; 55% of the communities attributed poor participation to lack of awareness; adequate finance and enlightenment accounted for 47% and 33%, respectively, of the perceived solutions to poor community participation. Conclusion: Community participation in the governance of primary health care delivery in Delta State is unsatisfactory. Policy should ensure adequate funding as well as robust enlightenment campaign to tackle ignorance in order to address poor community participation in PHC governance and management in Delta State.
Key words: Community participation, Governance, Primary health care, Funding and enlightenment |
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Original Article |
Bhagat VM, Choudhari SG, Baviskar SR, Mudey AB. Availability and Utilization of Anganwadi Services in an Adopted Urban Area of Wardha. |
Abstract: Background - The ICDS is world’s largest community-based child nutrition and development programme aimed at holistic development of children (0-6 years), expectant and nursing mothers through the Anganwadi centers (AWC). Improvement in nutritional and health status of their beneficiaries to prevent morbidities and mortalities due to malnutrition is one of the important objectives of ICDS. Objectives: To determine the availability and extent of utilization of AWC services by the beneficiaries, and to study factors influencing utilization and reasons for non/under utilization. Methodology: A community based cross-sectional study conducted in three well defined adopted urban field practice areas of a rural tertiary health care facility in Wardha, Maharashtra. A cluster comprising of 40 households was identified in each area to provide 140 study participants. Epi-info-3.7.1 for univariate and SYSTAT-12 used for multivariate analysis. Results: Overall 89.29% of beneficiaries utilized one or more services of AWC. Working women and those with lower socio-economic status had significantly and independently lower/non utilization of AWC services. Conclusions: Most of the study participants were aware and utilized the services of AWC. Among the women not utilizing the services; the reasons for non-utilization need to be addressed for optimal utilization of AWCs.
Key words: Anganwadi, ICDS, Utilization. |
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Original Article |
Mashkina EV, Kovalenko KA, Butenko EV, Shkurat TP. Cell Cycle Control Gene-Gene Interaction Model in Pregnancy Loss. |
Abstract: Early stages of individual development are defined by active cell division and differentiation processes. Intercellular signaling molecules as well as proliferation control and DNA stabilizing factors act as basic functional groups. Changes in genome stability maintaining genes functioning can cause the mutation number increase during blastomeric cleavage and differentiation. Thereby the goal of current work was to investigate the frequencies of cell cycle and DNA reparation control genes polymorphic variants in women with normally progressing pregnancies and in women with first trimester pregnancy loss. The present case-control study included 151 women with spontaneous abortion and 134 women with normally progressing pregnancies. Polymorphisms Pro72Arg in TP53, Asp148Glu in APEX1 and Lys751Gln in ERCC2 were detected by allele-specific PCR. When analyzed separately, the allele and genotype distributions of the polymorphisms in the two groups were similar. However, in MDR analysis the interaction between the genotypes TP53, APEX1, XPD showed to be associated to early pregnancy loss.
Key words: TP53, APEX1, Pregnancy Loss, Gene Polymorphism, Gene-Gene Interaction |
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Original Article |
Nayak R, Paes L, Gupta C, Kumar VK, Narayan A, Thunga S, Mithra PP. Knowledge, Perception, and Attitude of Pregnant Women Towards the Role of Physical Therapy in Antenatal Care - A Cross Sectional Study. |
Abstract: Background: Physiotherapy plays an essential role in obstetrics, both in the antenatal and postnatal periods. Antenatal exercises are recommended for the health benefits and safe delivery that they secure of pregnant mothers. However, studies on the efficacy of this approach in developing countries like India are limited in literature.The objective of this study was to determine knowledge, perception, and attitude of pregnant women towards the role of physical therapy in antenatal care. Methods: A descriptive survey research design was used for this cross-sectional study. A total of 106 pregnant women attending regular antenatal checkups in tertiary care centers in Mangalore, Karnataka, India were recruited. Data were obtained on maternal characteristics, knowledge, perception, and attitude towards the role of physiotherapy in antenatal care. Results: 46% of subjects knew about antenatal exercises. The majority of them were not aware or not sure about the different type of antenatal exercises avaliable.60% of the respondents had a positive attitude to physiotherapy during antenatal care. However, only 30% of the participants had adequate knowledge of the benefits of antenatal exercise and this was not influenced by maternal sociodemographic characteristics. Conclusion: A majority of Indian pregnant women demonstrate inadequate knowledge but have positive attitude towards role of physiotherapy in antenatal care.
Key words: Physiotherapy, Antenatal Exercises, Pregnant women, Knowledge |
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Original Article |
Ramachandra P, Maiya AG, Kumar P, Kamath A. Ankle Proprioception Pattern in Women Across Various Trimesters of Pregnancy and Postpartum. |
Abstract: Background and Objectives: Ankle foot complex is the part of the body which is in contact with the ground and it is important to have an intact proprioceptive system in order to maintain postural control. Previous study has established that there is significant difference between ankle proprioception in pregnant women in their third trimester and non-pregnant women. There is lack of literature regarding when the ankle does the ankle proprioception gets affected during pregnancy and whether this change reverts back during postpartum and hence this study. Method: A cohort of 70 primiparous women were included in the study and the women were followed through 12th week, 24th week, 32nd week , immediate postpartum and 6 weeks postpartum. The ankle repositioning error was measured using photography method and was analyzed using UTHSCSA Image tool software. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to measure the differences across various time periods. Results: It was found that there was a significant differences (p<0.001) in ankle repositioning error in pregnant women across the trimesters and in the postpartum period and the value did not reach the first trimester value even after six weeks postpartum. Conclusion: Ankle proprioception was significantly affected across the various trimesters of pregnancy with the peak variability observed in the third trimester and the value did not reach back to the first trimester value even after 6 weeks postpartum.
Key words: Pregnancy, Reposition error, Falls |
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Original Article |
Flesher M, Tyldesley K, Prescesky J, Salgado C. The Impact of Portion Plates on Patients in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. |
Abstract: Introduction: The purpose of this study was to determine if the use of a portion plate could improve the waist circumference, weight loss and blood pressure of cardiac rehabilitation patients. Methods: The data collected at their time of admission to the program (week 0) and at their completion of the program (week 8). Both groups were analyzed and compared using means and ranges. Results: The study included 86 patients, with 49 patients who received the portion plate at week 0 (study group) and 37 patients who received the portion plate at week 8 (control group). The mean weight reduction for the study group was 6.1 kg (6.5%) versus the control group which had a mean reduction of 0.6 kg (0.1%). The study group reduced their mean BMI by 0.85 kg/m2 (2.6%) while the control group reduced their mean BMI by 0.25 kg/m2 (0.1%). The study group reduced their mean waist circumference by 2.3 cm (2.1%) and the control group reduced it by 1.0 cm (0.9%). Conclusions: For waist circumference, BMI and weight, the portion plate group showed a greater improvement compared with the control group. Given the results, the cardiac rehabilitation program is considering the plates in their routine care.
Key words: Portion plate, Weight management tool |
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Original Article |
Gouda YG, Krishnamurthy S, Deshmane V, Challa VR, Prashant S, Kalloli M. Is There a Proximal Migration of Colon Cancers? |
Abstract: Colorectal cancers stands 3rd in males and 2nd in females in order of frequency of most common cancers worldwide and in developed countries. And is 4th common in males and 5th common in females in developing countries. Colonic tumors located at the caecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon, and splenic flexure were defined as right sided colon cancer and tumors located at the descending colon, sigmoid, rectosigmoid and rectum were defined as left sided colorectal cancer. The difference in percentage deviation is statistically not significant and present study concludes that there is no actual migration of colon cancers towards right side. In the present study there is higher proportion of males being affected with Right colon cancers group which is significant and doesn’t go in accordance with the literature published, where females are more affected. Since this is institutional based study there is further need for studies based on population. As the mean age at presentation was very earlier than in the developed countries, the thrust is in us to have an effective screening programs.
Key words: Right colon cancer, Left colon cancer, Migration, Rightward shift |
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Original Article |
Pai SG, Gupta A, Dudeja L, Nayak MK. Ocular Manifestations of Vitiligo: Evaluation and Study of Any Possible Association. |
Abstract: Background: Vitiligo is defined as an idiopathic, autoimmune condition characterized by destruction of the melanocytes. Melanocytes in the eye are present in two layers, the uvea and retinal pigment epithelium. Ocular findings in vitiligo have been studied to a very limited extent. Aim: To study the clinical pattern of ocular manifestations in cases diagnosed with vitiligo and to reveal any demographic or clinical feature that might suggest an association or risk factor for ocular involvement in cases of vitiligo. Material and methods: It was a Prospective case control observational study. 75 cases of vitiligo and 75 controls with similar demography were included. Cases were evaluated for relation of ocular involvement with type and duration of vitiligo, location of lesions and demographic characteristics. Simultaneously ocular manifestations of the control group were tested, for significance of the demographic characteristics and analyzed using chi-square test. Results and Conclusions: Ocular involvement in vitiligo is asymptomatic. In 75 diagnosed cases of vitiligo male to female ratio was 1:1.34 and 11 to 30 years age group had maximum number of cases. Iris hypopigmentation (33.3%) was the most frequent followed by fundus changes(30.6%) and hyper-pigmentation of the anterior chamber angle(20%). In the fundus peripapillary chorioretinal atrophy(18/23 cases) is the most common, diffuse hypopigmentation, background tessellation and temporal crescent being the others. The ocular involvement was found to be more in cases with vitiligo lesions located around the orbital or oral or genital areas. The duration of vitiligo and demographic characteristics are not the risk factors for ocular involvement in vitiligo.
Key words: Vitiligo, Eye, Hypopigmentation |
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Original Article |
Naregal PM, Mohite VR, Hiremath P, Chendake M, Karale RB, Pawar S. Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Among Primary School Teachers. |
Abstract: Background: Child abuse is one major threat to children all over the globe. Regardless of the type of child abuse, the result is serious emotional harm affecting the normal growth & development of child. School teachers are in contact with children daily and by reporting suspected child abuse and neglect, teachers can make an important contribution to the early detection and prevention of abuse. Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge of primary school teachers regarding child abuse and neglect. 2. To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge of primary school teachers regarding child abuse and neglect. 3. To find out the association between pre-test knowledge scores of primary school teachers with selected demographic variables. Material and Methods: The research approach used for the study was evaluative approach. The study was conducted in 3 primary schools at Karad, Maharashtra, India using one group pre-test post-test design. Non-probability Purposive sampling technique was used for selecting 30 primary school teachers. On the 1st day Structured knowledge questionnaire was used for collecting data and planned teaching programme on child abuse and neglect was conducted and followed by post test on the 7th day. The data collected, tabulated and analyzed in terms of objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: In pre-test majority 18 (60%) teachers had poor and 6 (20%) had average and good knowledge regarding child abuse and neglect respectively. Where as in post-test majority 19(63%) teachers had average knowledge, 6(20%) had good knowledge and 5(17%) teachers had poor knowledge regarding knowledge of child abuse and neglect. The mean pre test value is 9.433 and the mean post test value is 16.200 a difference of 6.77.The paired‘t’ value is 5.512, (p < 0.0001) showing significant increase in the knowledge regarding child abuse and neglect. There was a significant association between knowledge scores of primary school teachers regard to age of teachers (χ2=14.769, P<0.05), marital status (χ2=6.389, P<0.05), employment (χ2=19.259, P<0.05) and not significant association (P>0.05) of Knowledge scores with any other demographic variables. Conclusion: The study showed that the planned teaching programme on child abuse and neglect was effective in improving the knowledge of primary school teachers and thus helps them to understand the harmful effects of child abuse and neglect on child and community as well as to take necessary steps to identify and prevent the children suffering from child abuse.
Key words: Effectiveness, Planned teaching programme, Child abuse, Neglect, Primary school teachers |
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Original Article |
Kotian SR, Singh A, Mittal S, D Souza AS, Kalthur SG, Sumalatha S. Facial Nerve in Foetal Cadavers: An Anatomical Study with Clinical Relevance. |
Abstract: Introduction: Facial nerve paralysis is a major complication of parotid surgery and is widely reported. Little attention is paid to the facial nerve trunk in children. The facial nerve trunk in children and infants can be easily injured since they lie close to the surface. The present study therefore intends to describe the variability in the facial nerve trunk and its branching pattern in foetuses. Methods: The study was done bilaterally in 30 formalin-fixed foetuses (15 females, 15 males), age ranging from 21.0 to 35.5 weeks of gestation. The length of the facial nerve trunk was measured and bifurcation and trifurcation of the trunk was examined. Variability in the branching pattern was also noted. Results: The most common facial nerve trunk branching type was bifurcation (53.33%), followed by trifurcation (33.33%). Multiple branching of the facial nerve was also observed in 13.34% of the cases. Other variations related to the facial nerve were also noted. The mean length of the facial nerve trunk was 7.15 ± 2.12 mm. There was no significant difference between the right and left sides and in case of males and female foetuses. Conclusion: Facial nerve injury during parotid surgery is a main cause of paediatric facial paralysis. The length of the facial nerve trunk therefore must be accurately known in any surgical procedure planned in the area. The main furcation of the facial nerve should also receive special attention.
Key words: Facial nerve, Foetus, Parotid gland, Anatomy |
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Original Article |
Ferreira AH. A Cadaveric Study of Anatomical Variations of the Hand Extensors. |
Abstract: Foream and dorsum of the hand region of 13 cadavers were dissected to investigate the anatomy of the extensor tendons. In the left hand double tendon to the middle, triple tendon to the ring finger, a single tendon to the little finger or digiti minimi. The extensor digiti minimi has double tendon. In the right hand triple tendon to the middle finger, triple tendons to the ring finger, a double tendon to the little finger. The extensor digiti minimi has double tendon. The little finger receives four tendons. In the left and right hand the extensor digitorum there was a single tendon to the index. The dorsum of the left hand and right showed juncturae tendinum type 2, between the extensors tendons in the 3rd. intermetacarpal space; type 3, between the extensors tendons in the 4th intermetacarpal space. Anatomical variations may be beneficial for hand surgeons performing graft operations.
Key words: Extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, Extensor digiti minimi, Juncturae tendinum, Anatomical variation. |
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Original Article |
Shah KB, Kamath J, Jayasheelan N, Danda R, Rai MK. Non-Vascularized Fibular Strut Grafting in Management of Bone Defects. |
Abstract: Background: Frequently in orthopedic practice, we come across massive bone defects, which can result from open fractures, gap non- unions and following resection of bone tumours. The problems involved in bridging or regenerating areas of skeletal loss with viable bone while maintaining limb length and alignment, along with satisfactory function remains a substantial challenge. The present study was carried out for evaluation & analysis of the role of non-vascularised fibular grafting in managing such bone defects. Methods: 25 cases with bone gap were treated with non-vascularized fibular strut graft from June 2010 to Sept 2012. There were 13 cases of gap non- union, 9 cases of tumour resection and 3 cases of post traumatic bone loss. Functional outcome was assessed by MSTS Score. Results: A total of 71 graft host junctions were studied, out of which 68 united, in a mean period of 13 weeks. Functional outcome was good with a mean MSTS Score of 76.63%. Average size of bone gap treated was 5.19 cm. Primary cancellous grafting was done in 15 cases. Size of bone gap or use of primary cancellous bone graft had no statistically significant relationship with time taken for union. Conclusion: Non- Vascularized fibular strut grafting is a simple, inexpensive and an effective technique in bridging bone gaps. It takes longer duration to achieve union, but if used in selected patients with good vascular bed and soft tissue coverage, can yield comparable results to vascularized fibular grafts in terms of overall union.
Key words: Gap non-union, GCT, Non-vascularised fibular grafting, Traumatic bone loss |
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Short Report |
Nayak SB, Kumar N, Aithal AP, Shetty SD, Rao SS, Guru A. Possibly Active Persistent Thymus Found in a Human Adult Cadaver – A Morpho-histological Study. |
Abstract: Thymus is a bilobed organ usually situated in the superior mediastinum. Thymus is normally active until puberty and as age advances it undergoes considerable fibro-fatty degeneration and is replaced by fatty tissue. We found a persistent thymus in an adult male cadaver aged 70 years approximately. It apparently looked healthy. Hence the objective of this study was to know the morpho-histology of a persistent human thymus gland. Associated with this we also found a concurrent absence of isthmus of thyroid gland. Thymus obtained was processed according to the standard procedures and sections were stained with Haematoxylin & Eosin stain to study the age related changes of the thymus gland. Stained sections of thymus revealed a normal, healthy architecture of lobes of thymus. Knowledge regarding these morpho-histological features of the persistent thymus is important for clinicians and radiologists for the differential diagnosis of any mediastinal mass or presence of ectopic thymic tissue before doing any investigative procedure
Key words: Thymus, Age changes in thymus, Persistent thymus, Morphohistology of thymus, Agenesis of thyroid isthmus |
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Case Report |
Prasad AM, Nayak SB, Reghunathan D, Shetty SD. Multiple Variations of the Nerves of Gluteal Region and their Clinical Implications. |
Abstract: Knowledge of variations of nerves of gluteal region is important for clinicians administering intramuscular injections, for orthopedic surgeons dealing with the hip surgeries and possibly for physiotherapists managing the painful conditions and paralysis of this region. We report multiple variations of the nerves of gluteal region through this article. In the current case, the sciatic nerve was absent. The common peroneal and tibial nerves arose from sacral plexus and reached the gluteal region through greater sciatic foramen above and below piriformis respectively. The common peroneal nerve gave a muscular branch to the gluteus maximus. The inferior gluteal nerve and posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh arose from a common trunk. The common trunk was formed by three roots. Upper and middle roots arose from sacral plexus and entered gluteal region through greater sciatic foramen respectively above and below piriformis. The lower root arose from the pudendal nerve and joined the common trunk. We discuss the clinical implications of the variations.
Key words: Sciatic nerve, Gluteal region, Tibial nerve, Piriformis syndrome, Buttock, Peroneal nerve |
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Case Report |
Kunder SK, Chogtu B, Avinash A, Pathak A, Patil N, Adiga S. A Case Series of Piperacillin-Tazobactam Induced Hypokalemia in a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India. |
Abstract: Potassium is an important intracellular cation responsible for action potential generation and normal functioning of muscles. Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia are both dangerous as they cause life threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Piperacillin tazobactam is a commonly used beta-lactam and beta-lactamase inhibitor combination for complicated abdominal and urinary tract infections. Under pharmacovigilance programme of India, few cases of hypokalemia which were attributed to piperacillin tazobactam therapy were reported. This is a case series of 10 patients who developed hypokalemia secondary to piperacillin tazobactam therapy.
Key words: Potassium, Ureidopenicillin, Pharmacovigilance, Beta-Lactam, Beta-Lactamase inhibitor |
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Case Report |
Mallya D, Latha KS, Nayak HR, Bhandary PV, Virupaksha D. Broken Heart Syndrome: Is The Heart Really Broken? |
Abstract:Stress induced cardiomyopathy, which is also known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, is a cardiac syndrome of a transient, reversible left ventricular dysfunction that is caused by emotional and/or physical stress. Its clinical manifestations are similar to those of myocardial ischemia without a coronary artery lesion. Stress-induced cardiomyopathy is more common in middle-aged women, and the prognosis is favorable. We report the case of a 54-year-old female who had consulted a psychiatrist regarding her problematic son and were in the process of venting her feelings when she had an episode of cardiomyopathy. She fulfilled the ICD criteria for a Double Depression. Implications of condition are discussed.
Key words: Stress cardiomyopathy, Emotional stress, Reactive depression |
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Case Report |
Patil N, Rao KN, Avinash A, Kunder SK, Hande HM, Ahmed T. Dilemma in the Diagnosis of Povidone-Iodine Hypersensitivity. |
Abstract: Povidone-iodine is a commonly used antiseptic solution in surgical practice. Almost every patient who needs a minor or a major surgical procedure (sometimes, a medical procedure too) gets exposed to this antiseptic. Even though the use of this antiseptic is widespread, the number of cases reporting hypersensitivity to it is meagre. This case report highlights a case of povidone-iodine – induced hypersensitivity, which presented a great difficulty in diagnosis, due to the usage of other drugs that could have been more likely causes for this hypersensitivity.
Key words: Povidine iodine, Dressing, Allergy, Rashes, Antiseptic |
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Letter |
Kumar S, Ghosh S, Sinha RK. Automated Identification of Chronic Alcoholism from Brain Signals. |
Abstract: The present work has used the EEG collected from alcoholic subjects, and controls. The results suggest that EEG has sufficient information for development of a non-invasive online diagnostic tool for chronic alcoholism
Key words: EEG, Chronic alcoholism, Non-invasive online diagnostic tool |
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